Top Key Benefits of AWS Cloud Computing & why you should consider it?

AWS and benefits of aws cloud computing

Amazon Web Service or AWS has become the future of cloud computing. AWS has more than 1,00,000 users across the world. AWS was introduced to the world in the year 2004 and then businesses across the world got a chance at a less variable cost replacing infrastructure. 

What is Amazon Web Service?

AWS is the world’s most comprehensive cloud platform. It provides over 200 fully-featured services. AWS cloud computing is also an easy, versatile, and dependable platform in the cloud. A huge number of organizations around the world swear by it. Organizations like startups, large enterprises, and others are using AWS to lower their costs and become more agile and innovate faster. 


Benefits and Advantages of AWS cloud computing

Apart from AWS, there are numerous web service provides, AWS is used by some of the biggest business organizations and their clients. The reason behind this is the benefits of AWS cloud computing. 

Comprehensive-  The powerhouse of the cloud has an abundance of information ranging from documents to video tutorials. With AWS changing from an on-location stockpiling to the cloud is very easy because of their contributions to training and education. 

Cost-Effective- AWS is very price effective for any organization ranging from a startup to a well-established organization. AWS compared to other cloud computing services is more cost-effective. 

Adaptable- If you are shifting from another cloud service platform or you are moving onto a cloud service provider for the first time. AWS has all the features for your requirements.

Security-  AWS helps in safeguarding your information and avoids the risk of hacking. They have well-perceived compliance affirmations and strict security laws around the world.  

Improved Productivity- AWS lessons requirements for an IT support staff saving an organization from time and expense. It also reduces dangers related to the interior IT framework. 

Innovation- Experts around the world believe that AWS not only has competitive pricing but also a commitment to innovation, the reason it has a huge clientele. 

Global Leader- AWS has a network around the work and has a million clients. AWS has also been providing services to not only private sectors but public sectors as well. 

No capacity limit- An organization that launches projects would need a great amount of storage space. AWS helps them in providing the storage space with minimal cost.

Enhanced Security - AWS ensures a durable and secure technology platform. To ensure data centers and services have many layers of physical operations security. AWS also ensures regular conducts of audits to ensure infrastructural security. 

Quickly scale the organization’s workloads - AWS helps you to quickly scale your environment and allowing you to programmatically create new AWS accounts. Using these multiple accounts gives built-in security boundaries. 

Simplify permission management and access control - With a single AWS sign-on, AWS simplifies user-based management for every employee in the organization. Access to AWS services can be controlled by applying service control policies to users, accounts, or OU’s.


AWS certified cloud practitioner 

The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner examination is for professionals who possess the knowledge and skills required to effectively demonstrate an overall understanding of the AWS cloud.

Who can apply for this course

who can apply for aws course

Benefits of AWS certification

Apart from AWS having Benefits for organizations, there are benefits of AWS certification for employees holding it. 

  1. Preparing for the future - Recent studies show that about 80% of enterprises would be transferring their workload to cloud services hence having an AWS certification helps you prepare for the future

  2. Better salary packages - One of the most important benefits of getting yourself AWS certifies is a bigger and better paycheck. With an AWS certificate, a professional can improve their salary to up to 25.9%. 


  1. Eligibility for the Subject Matter Expert Program- An AWS certified professional is eligible for the Subject Matter Program (SME). The SME program helps professionals to learn more skills and features about AWS enhancing their knowledge. 

  2. Validating skills - With an AWS certification, your cloud computing skills and knowledge are validated. 

  3. Reliable in the industry- This certificate makes you reliable and a trustworthy employee in front of employers and organizations.



Which AWS certification is in demand?

With AWS being a cloud computing technology the most in-demand AWS certification is the AES certified Solutions Architect- Associate. The next certification is AWS certified developer- Associate which is followed by professional-level certification. 


Why AWS is better than Azure? 

If your organization is planning to make a shift or change in cloud computing and wonders which cloud computing platform to choose between the most sought after Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft’s Azure, according to Gartner, AWS owns about 47.8% of the world’s public-cloud market and Azure holds about 15.5%. Wonder why AWS is better than Azure?


  • Allows running web and application servers on the cloud for internal application and client websites

  • Secures and stores files and sensitive information with easy access. 

  • More experienced and heavy investors in the cloud technology 

  • Cost-effective and more storage space

In conclusion 

To conclude AWS will be the future for cloud technology. AWS has become a reputed and notable name in the cloud computing domain. It is better than other cloud computing platforms, more cost-effective, and provides more storage space. AWS certifications also ensure validating cloud computing skills and knowledge and opening more doors for professionals. 



























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