Benefits of Oracle Certification

Oracle Professionals with latest Oracle certifications have highly dynamic career. More than 80% of the OCPs (Oracle Certified Professionals) report a salary increase, growth in their career and promotions. Owing to its growing industry demands, Oracle Database Management has become a highly profitable and lucrative career option for modern IT professionals as Oracle skills are considered among top new-age tech skills. It’s not by fluke that Oracle Certifications have reached such humongous popularity. As against the usual thinking, benefits of Oracle Certifications are innumerable. Managing the database is more than just about data, it is more about careful creation, update, analysis, administering complex high performance databases and capacity planning.
Aiming for attaining Oracle Certification in any of the prestigious and recognized Oracle technology or level such as OCA or OCP imparts immense confidence and prepare you to resolve the most challenging issues.
Needless to say that today, over 150,000 business around the world are using Oracle E-Business Applications to run their businesses efficiently, owing to tremendous market popularity and Advantages of Oracle Certification. In such an era, learned professionals with popular and needed skills are highly in demand.

Let’s find out Some of the Benefits of Oracle Certification in this New Age:

  • Competing with peers – Oracle qualifications without doubt offers an added edge, especially when multiple candidates are competing for a single position. It shows the potential employer that you, as a candidate, are committed to learn and upgrade your skills in your trade and claims to make you productive as soon as you hit the floor.
  • Growing demand in the industry – Demand for Oracle Certifications are increasing at an incredible pace. Professionals are required to know the skills that make them attractive to hiring managers. These hiring managers often look for various ways to differentiate employees and prospective employees with solid skills needed for a job role for better performance.
  • Increase your visibility in the organization – The Oracle programs assist IT industry to make distinctions by developing a standard of competence in key entry levels. Oracle certified Professionals increases visibility in their organization which is the basis of career advancement in any organization, owing to the recognition of their skills.
  • Oracle certification evolved as a screening tool – Earlier these new age skills were considered as one of the main hiring requirements for hiring manager. However, these days Oracle qualifications has become more of screening tool. It means that if you, as a prospective candidate, do not have them, then you are not considered as a serious candidate.
  • Stepping stone to a successful career – Oracle qualification fortifies your solid understanding of the foundation skills in a given job role that you may apply at an apprentice level or entry level. Upon qualifying in Oracle OCA DBA credential, you increase your chances of getting hired at an entry-level job for sure. It acts as a stepping stone to reach a successful career as an Oracle professional. Upon OCA you are ready to go for OCP level qualification, as you are now ready to display complete range of skills required by Oracle professionals in your chosen job role. OCP credentials is in high demand in the industry these days. This demand of trained and certified professionals raises your visibility and give you the most rewarding and challenging opportunities.
  • High-level Certification – less vulnerable – Increasing strength of Oracle Programs in this declining economy is a part due to the reason that high-level certifications are considered less vulnerable. OCM (Oracle Certified Master) is the highest credential an Oracle professional may earn. OCM is considered an expert within an organization across the industry and peers.
  • Increased Opportunity – You attract more opportunities upon earning Oracle qualifications. Earning Oracle certification is one of its true value. With better career opportunities come career growth, higher salary and greater stability. As ‘Data’ is given the key importance as an organizational asset, DBAs remains in high demand with properly trained and certified in the skills required. Needless to say that Oracle leads the DBMS/DBA certification sphere.
  • Better ROI with better performance and loyalty – These qualifications when implemented by corporate begets loyalty among IT professionals. With satisfied and skilled employees, businesses are sure to attain better Return on Investments. So, we may conclude that Training and imparting Certifications to employees directly impact company’s success.
  • More competent than uncertified staff – Oracle certified staff are better skilled and technically more competent on Oracle Application and Database technology, vis-à-vis uncertified staff, hence customers and clients are better handled by skilled and certified staff. Moreover, they feel that they are being serviced by learned staff who may provide them with better services in terms of value.
  • Secure Digital Badge – When you earn the certification you can flaunt your Oracle Certification badge to your social media profiles, such as – LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter accounts. Besides validating your professional and technical expertise, it has been found that this badge proves more useful in terms of verification. It displays your hard work for attaining expertise and each badge offer validation of specific skills that you have attained.
