CCSP vs CISSP - Which is better for the best cybersecurity career?



CCSP vs CISSP the choice is hard as which is better. CCSP is a Certified Cloud Security Professional and CISSP is popularly called as Certified Information Systems Security Professional. Both the certification are a premier cybersecurity certification and CCSP vs CISSP difficulty makes it tricky to choose between both. 

However, the choice can be made on the basis of their traits which distinct them from each other. Like CCSP vs CISSP salary, CCSP vs CISSP difficulty, CCSP exam cost, CISSP exam cost, etc. lets understand which is better in CCSP vs CISSP.

Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)

The One cybersecurity certification which consists of gold level recognition around the world is CISSP which is the most difficult and prestigious credential to earn. The target audience for this certification is experienced cybersecurity professionals who advanced their skills in architecting, designing, deploying, administering and maintaining network security solutions and programs. The CISSP roles are typically obtained by analysts, managers,  system engineers, auditors, CISOs and architects to earn higher CCSP vs CISSP salary with CISSP certification.

To get CISSP Certification, professionals need to have least of five years of work expertise in a minimum of two out of eight CISSP training domains:

  • Security and Risk Management

  • Security Architecture and Engineering

  • Asset Security

  • Security Assessment and Testing

  • Communication and Network Security

  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)

  • Software Development Security

  • Security Operations

The CISSP certification is a level-up in CCSP vs CISSP difficulty, which is valid upto three years. And for recertification, professionals need to take the examination again or earn 120 CPE credits or 40 in each year. The CISSP exam cost is also a key point in CCSP vs CISSP to look for.

Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)

A newcomer in the (ISC)2 cybersecurity portfolio is the CCSP. CCSP certification has been added in the list of top cybersecurity certification in 2015, which is designed according to market needs. In CCSP vs CISSP, the CCSP Training & Certification at best CCSP exam cost has been made after considering the IT pros with cloud security roles, like enterprise architect, system architect, manager(IT), security architect, engineer, administrator, or consultant.

The CCSP certification is for advanced cybersecurity professionals with at least 5-year of IT expertise; in which 3 of them need to be in IS domain & 1-year in one out of six realm of CCSP training in CCSP vs CISSP:

  • Architectural Concepts and Design Requirements

  • Cloud Platform and Infrastructure Security

  • Cloud Application Security

  • Cloud Data Security

  • Legal and Compliance

  • Operations

To maintain the CCSP certification, CCSP vs CISSP you have to earn 90 CPEs in #year period as CCSP certification is also valid for 3 years once earned.

CCSP vs CISSP at a Glance

These certifications are targeted at different markets: CISSP will help you to move into management, while CCSP helps you stay technical. The CCSP credential targets professionals working with cloud technology and is typically held by security architects, security administrators and system engineers.

CCSP vs CISSP salary Comparison

On comparing the CCSP vs CISSP salary after taking the CISSP training and CCSP training, a CCSP certification
holder earns a median annual salary of $105,800 (after averaging the salaries of Philadelphia,  US, PA, Washington,
Dallas-Fort Worth,  TX and Shreveport, LA) as per glassdoor. While the CISSP salary holder yearning varies from
role to role, country to country like, $80,550 for an Information Security Analyst & $110,459 as a Security Architect
as an annual average salary, according to a study by Payscale. 

Let’s see the CISSP training & certification salary research in worldwide:


It’s time to see CCSP salaries with their designated job titles:


CCSP vs CISSP Difficulty

While seeing every information about the CCSP vs CISSP, it is understandable that both the cybersecurity

examination at CCSP exam cost and CISSP exam cost is not an easy one to pass. The CCSP vs CISSP

difficulty can be estimated as both the examination need prior knowledge & experience with a skillful

mind to answer all the questions with ease.

The CISSP training is a beast that’s required tenacity and stamina to sit for a 6 hour exam with patience.

The CISSP certification is a detailed certification. In the CISSP exam you need an understanding,

differentiation between algorithms, whereas in the CCSP certification you don’t need that much labour. 

It is not that CCSP certification is an easy one to crack but comparatively it is the easier one, but it is

distinct from the above one. The CCSP has a focus area on Identity Management, its target audience

is the cloud experts & would be difficult in CCSP vs CISSP difficulty if you don't have the relevant

exposure and experience. The big similarity between them is : both of them will test your experience

as well as knowledge and proficiency.

The Cost comparison:


CCSP vs CISSP: The Final Verdict


After seeing a detailed analysis on both the CISSP certification & CCSP certification, the CCSP vs CISSP

salary, CCSP & CISSP difficulty and many more, we can say that both the cybersecurity certifications

need proper CISSP training & CCSP training. Both the certifications are comparatively difficult to earn

which requires proper knowledge, experience & training. And after gaining these two certifications at a

reasonable CISSP exam cost & CCSP exam cost a cybersecurity professional can earn lucrative CCSP

vs CISSP salary in present time.


As CISSP and CCSP – both will advance your knowledge and validate your resume– so grab them today!
